A Little Life Update

Pictures by Adairing Adventure

Hello friends! I apologize that it has been a bit since I posted anything on the blog. Life has been a bit insane! I thought it would be a fun change to just give you a little life update. All the things are happening and I am excited to share them with you.

1. Graduate School

A few months ago, I decided to apply for graduate school and GOT ACCEPTED! Start August 30, I will be starting my masters program in Health Administration, online, at Weber State University. If all goes well and as planned, I will graduate May 2023 with my masters degree. I am so excited for this program. This is a big career step for me instead of the tiny stepping stones I have been taking the past few years. All very important, but this is the true big step.

2. My Divorce is Final

Many of you know that about 5 months ago, I made the tough decision to walk away from a toxic marriage. It has been one of the hardest things I have ever done, but ultimately for the best. I finally feel like myself again. I am spreading my wings and pursuing goals that I have put on the back burner for years. I am in the best mental, emotional and physical health I have been in in years. There is still healing to come from such a tough situation, but I am learning so much about myself and what I truly want in the future for Beckham and I.

3. Roommates with my Mom Again

Since I got divorced, I have been living with my mom again. Let me tell you, I never planned on living in my mom’s basement again after I moved out. However, I am eternally grateful for my moms love and support. There is so no way I could have made it through the last 4 months without my mom and the rest of my family. Sometimes you just need a hug from your mom or need to go home.

4. Lots of Beckham Milestones

Beckham went to his first 4th of July parade. He loved it! The picture of my grandpa and B might be one of my all time favorite pictures.

Since I stopped nursing, he is finally sleeping better at night. Not quite through the night consistently yet, but we are getting closer. Lately, he has been teething and had a horrible runny nose with it so that is putting a real wedge in the sleeping, but it won’t last forever.

Beckham had his first dentist appointment. He did so amazing! He loves brushing his teeth, especially if I do it at the same time. Mostly he just chews on the tooth brush, but we are working on it.

We have a walker!! Beckham has been on the verge of walking/running for awhile now and about about a month ago, I went to Boise and then all of a sudden he just decided to take off. Now it is full speed ahead all day, everyday. We have had a few crashes, but mostly he just loves exploring.

5. Summer Vacations

In about a month, we are finally going back to the beach. A girls trip, well plus Beckham, to sunny Southern California. I can’t wait to see Beckham play in the ocean and the sand for the first time. Let’s be honest, he will probably eat the sand before playing in it, but I feel like every kid does that at least once. Hopefully, Covid doesn’t ruin our trip since numbers are spiking again and we have the Delta variant now becoming a huge problem. I will be sure to do a big post about all things California since this will probably be the last time we go for a while. I am ready to explore all new places, hopefully somewhere over seas or in the Caribbean.

6. Blog Goals

During this time, I have really thought about the future of this blog and where I want to go with it. I was so excited to launch that I kind of pushed away planning ahead for content. Right now, I have the rest of the year planned out and let me tell you, I can’t wait to share with you all the fun things. Back to school (mama edition), fall fashion, holidays, travel tips with kiddos, and much much more.

Make sure you are subscribed to my email list to stay up to date on all new blog posts and be the first to know about all the exciting announcements.

xo, kaylee

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