My 2021 Gift Guide For Baby

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  1. Ball Pit: This is so fun and I may regret buying this later, but I love it. You can also choose different color combinations of the balls and the outside.
  2. Boots: Just because it’s cold doesn’t mean they still can’t be cute. These boots are from H&M and adorable for either gender.
  3. Blocks: Beckham has these blocks and it is so fun to watch him figure out how they fit into the top. He has also started stacking them so I think its time for an upgraded version.
  4. Cleaning Kit: I know it seems silly, but this is so cute! Beckham loves the “clean” and will walk around sweeping and mopping everything. Also a baby vacuum is the best.
  5. Bike: I saw a neighbor boy riding a bike like this this summer. The mom said she had all her boys start riding this around two. It is great for balance practice and after a few fumbles they usually pick it up super fast. They also have a pink one for girls.
  6. Mini Kitchen: If you have seen any of my videos of my son is obsessed with pots and pans. I am buying him this exact kitchen. I have heard from a lot of moms that boys love to play with kitchen stuff.
  7. Baby Clothes: Probably the funnest thing to shop for when it comes to babies. It is shocking how small they can make some things. I love H&M and Target for cute matching sets of clothes that are all awesome quality and soft.

More 2021 Gift Guides

For Her. For Him. Active Lifestyle. Expecting Mom. Home Body. Beauty Babe. Teacher/Coworker. Parents/ In-Laws. My Wishlist.

xo, kaylee

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